.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. role:: sref(numref) .. role:: xref(numref) .. Copyright (C) 2019, Wolfgang Scherer, .. .. This file is part of Documentation Standard. .. .. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document .. under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 .. or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; .. with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. .. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU .. Free Documentation License". .. inline comments (with du_comment_role) .. role:: rem(comment) .. role:: html(raw) :format: html .. role:: shx(code) :language: sh .. rst-class:: xnarrow xmedium large xhuge xultra .. _`sec:Scratch`: ################################################## :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Scratch ################################################## .. >>CODD See `the components of a doctoral dissertation and their order `_ .. >>CODD Dedication .. >>CODD Epigraph .. >>CODD Abstract .. compound:: Miscellaneous stuff to be ordered and processed later. .. \|:here:| .. >>CODD Introduction .. >>CODD Chapter ================================================== :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Style Guide ================================================== Despite the cpaitalization rules for book titles, e.g. as described in `Capitalisation - The University of Nottingham`_: Books, films, songs, games etc Capitalise the first word of the title and all words within the title except articles (a/an/the), prepositions (to/on/for etc) and conjunctions (but/and/or etc). [...] Subtitles Capitalise subtitles only if the original title is printed or displayed that way. It is simpler to just do away with title capitalization altogether, not just for subtitles. However, if title capitalizaton is desired but the correct way is uncertain, enter the title all lowercase into the `Title Case Converter – A Smart Title Capitalization Tool`_ and select `Wikipedia` style. .. _`Title Case Converter – A Smart Title Capitalization Tool`: https://titlecaseconverter.com/ .. _`Capitalisation - The University of Nottingham`: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/externalrelations/services/service-details/style-guide/capitalisation.aspx ================================================== :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Emacs ================================================== -------------------------------------------------- :rem:`||:sec:||`\ Symbol tags -------------------------------------------------- Delimiter set concept:: [ ANCHOR-RX ] LEFT-DLM SYMBOL-RX RIGHT-DLM [ TRAILER-RX ] Standard delimiter set:: |: sym :| Alternate delimiter set:: :: sym :: Enclose delimiter set:: ` sym ` Navigation: +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | key sequence | description | +===============================+================================================================+ | :kbd:`M-left`, :kbd:`M-right` | previous, next tag | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`M-up`, :kbd:`M-down` | previous, next `here` tag | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`M-h` | go to next `here` tag. If not found, go to previous `here` tag | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`C-u M-` | define `here` tag and go to previous `here` tag | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | key sequence | description | +===============================+================================================================+ | :kbd:`M-o` | tag occur | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`M-g` | tag grep-find | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | key sequence | description | +==============================+================================================================+ | :kbd:`M-i` | M-x symbol-tag-insert | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`C-u M-h` | insert here tag on line of its own | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`M-e` | enclose current symbol in enclose delimiters | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | key sequence | description | +==============================+================================================================+ | :kbd:`M-keypad-+` | more bars for tag at point | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`M-keypad--` | less bars for tag at point | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`M-C-+` | more bars for future inserted tags | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`M-C--` | less bars for future inserted tags | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | key sequence | description | +==============================+================================================================+ | :kbd:`C-c C-d C-v` | delimiter stack | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | :kbd:`f8` | delimiter selection menu | +------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================== :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Other Diagrams ================================================== - `Flowchart`_ (replaced by UML Activity Diagrams) - `Specification and Description Language`_ (SDL) ================================================== :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Activity Diagrams ================================================== `PlantUML`_ has no built-in support for the rake symbol (┌┼┐) which designates call behavior in UML 2.x. :file:`_static/call-behavior.puml` contains the macros RAKE and CALL, which use UNICODE block characters to provide it. .. literalinclude:: _static/activity-call-behavior.puml :lines: 20-42 .. uml:: _static/activity-call-behavior.puml =================================================== :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Emacs Buffers with Highlighting =================================================== The command :kbd:`M-x htmlify-buffer` generates HTML source from the current emacs buffer. The program `webvector`_ converts `HTML`_ to `SVG`_ as vector graphics (not bitmap images). convert(1) is used to convert `SVG`_ to `PDF`_. Here is an example of the OCCUR-OUTLINE for a python buffer: .. image:: _static/emacs-buffer-html-svg.* ==================================================== :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Tastatur- und Spracheinstellung ==================================================== Eventuell nach dem Start, Tastaturbelegung einstellen. Ohne Einstellung der Tastaturbelegung befinden sich folgende Tasten an anderer Stelle: .. list-table:: :widths: 15, 85 :header-rows: 1 * - Beschriftung - Zeichen * - z - y * - y - z * - ß - \- * - \- - / ================================================== :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Build statistics ================================================== Add new statistic data to :file:`doc/_static/build-stats.csv`: .. code-block:: sh ( cd "${HOME}"/project/documentation/bin && ./build-stats-for-hosts.sh --no-header >> ../doc/_static/build-stats.csv ws@sheckley ) .. csv-table:: :file: _static/build-stats.csv :header-rows: 1 .. note:: | real < user => process uses multiple CPU's | real > user => process loses time for I/O or virtualization Theoretically `luna` (Virtualbox VM) with a single processor loses a lot of time (real == 13m33, user == 6m55) to virtualization. Since the build process obviously uses more than 1 CPU for building diagrams, increasing the CPUs to 4 results in a substantial gain for a full build. However, an incremental build without diagrams is not faster with 4 CPUs compared to a single CPU. A further speed-up, but probably marginal, can be expected if Linux is running on the bare metal and windows is running in the virtual machine. .. \||||:here:|||| .. >>CODD Conclusion .. >>CODD Appendix A .. \|:here:| .. >>CODD Notes .. ================================================== .. :rem:`|||:sec:|||`\ Footnotes .. ================================================== :html:`
` .. \[#] .. include:: doc_defs.inc .. include:: doc_defs_combined.inc .. include:: abbrev_defs.inc .. .. \||<-snap->|| doc_standalone .. include:: doc/doc_defs_secret.inc .. \||<-snap->|| doc_standalone .. \||<-snap->|| not_doc_standalone .. include:: doc_defs_secret.inc .. \||<-snap->|| not_doc_standalone .. _`Wolfgang Scherer`: wolfgang.scherer@gmx.de